It doesn’t matter if you are dating for the first time in a while or if you’ve never quite left the dating pool, dating in your 50s is NOT something you should feel discouraged by, in fact, you are at an advantage! All the wisdom and experience you have gained throughout your life will help you find love and being more mature allows you to be more confident and skip the usual awkwardness that younger people might experience in the dating scene. Overall though, dating in (or over) your 50s is a unique experience that comes with its own challenges. Here are 3 tips from us on successfully dating in your 50s.
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First Date Red Flags
A first date should be an enjoyable experience, however, they are mainly designed to evaluate each other as potential partners. Some awkwardness is to be expected but it is important to wade through serious red flags and casual bumbles. Below are 3 red flags you should watch out for while out on a first date.
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8 Ways a Road-Trip is like Marriage
With summer fast approaching, all of us in established relationships may be facing one of the biggest relationship landmarks – “The Road-trip” It may seem to be a fun getaway with your loved one but road trips can be a trying experience for any relationship. In fact – a road trip is like a marriage but on an intense short-term scale. If you are planning a road trip with your sweetie this summer check out our list of 8 ways a Road-trip is like a Marriage.
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